Theme setup on the server, import demo data, upload logo, add content, setup Yoast SEO plugin and configure and more plugin and configure and more.
Full site setup with speed optimization
Full Website Package
CMS | WordPress |
Developer | Code Basket Team |
Price | $499 |
Why People Choose Us
High Quality
Best Prices
Fast Development
10+ Years Experience
This package includes the theme installed on your server, adding your logo, set the contact form and google map. Add 10 pages of content with images (without changing the theme layout).
This service includes:
- Install WordPress Theme on your server.
- Import theme demo data.
- Add your logo and site name.
- Add 10 pages of content with images (without changing the theme layout)
- Color schema setup.
- Contact form setup
- Social profile setup
- Google Map setup with your address.
- Yoast SEO plugin setup and configure.
*** The theme is not included within this package. You need to buy the theme and provide us with the purchase code. Max 3 revisions (minor changes for content and images).
We recommend you to use WordPress-friendly hosting like Sitegorug, Hostgator or any popular web hosting.
Time Estimation: 2-4 days.
For more information please create a ticket.
How this can be done for me?
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