Theme Setup, Demo Import & Add Content

Ready Website

Install theme on your server, import demo data, add logo, set color, setup content that you provide.

CMS WordPress
Developer Code Basket Team
Price $250



This package includes the WordPress theme installation on your server, installing bundled plugins, importing demo data, uploading the logo and setting the primary color.


This Service Includes:

  • Installation of the latest version of WordPress on your server.
  • Installation of your purchased WordPress theme.
  • Installation of the theme bundled plugins.
    Import of the demo content included with the theme.
  • Add your logo.
  • Set theme primary color (If your theme support dynamic color control)


What we need

*** The theme is not included into this offer. You will need to buy the theme and provide us with the purchase code. 


For more information please create a ticket. 


How this can be done for me?

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